Kids Bible Devotional for August 1, 2024
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Proverbs 21:31 The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD. (KJV)
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What’s a farmer who doesn’t plant crops? Hungry.
Farmers make their living by growing crops. If they don’t plant their crops, they cannot expect to reap a harvest to feed their families or pay their bills. The same could be said of most people who need to work to meet their basic needs. A painter paints. A writer writes. You get the picture.
No matter what we do, all efforts require some level of preparation. The farmer, for example, needs seed. Painters need paint. Writers need a computer and an idea. Then each needs to know how to apply these things to their trade.
Simple, huh? In Matthew 13, Jesus gives the Parable of the Sower. The farmer sows his seed upon all sorts of ground, but it’s only the good ground that yields a successful crop. The Word of God is the seed, and we are the ground. How we receive the Word determines the crop we yield, if any at all. But someone has to prepare by planting seed.
As Christians, we are exposed to Christian teaching in a number of ways, such as classes and sermons at church, Bible reading. Your parents, for example, may also teach you in personal instruction and family devotions. The list goes on. Even this devotion is planting seed. These are meant to prepare you for a personal walk with God as you grow older and to help you grow in the faith every day.
Today's Devotion
Tammy began to cut out the picture of a camel that her mother had drawn on a piece of construction paper. “We’re almost done, Mom. This is my last one.”
“That’s great, honey,” Mom said. “Let’s see, we have the camels, the donkeys, the Israelite men, popsicle sticks, and glue. Just need to print off my lesson then I think I’ve got everything I need for my Sunday school class.” She kissed Tammy on the head. “Thank you for helping me.”
“Why do you put so much work into your class, Mom? They’re just little kids.”
“It’s true they’re little, but they are sponges when it comes to learning God’s Word.” Her mother gathered the materials into a folder.
“I don’t know about that. I’ve seen some of them just leave this stuff lying around.”
“That’s alright. It’s only part of the process. By teaching them God’s Word in so many ways like with activities, lessons, and games, I’m preparing them to make the decision to give their hearts to God one day.” Her mother gestured to the potted flower on the windowsill. “Remember when that plant was nothing more than a few seeds?”
Tammy loved its colorful bloom. “I remember. I helped you water them.”
“That’s right,” her mother said. “We prepared the soil. We kept the plant well-watered and gave it plenty of sunlight. But nature did the rest. It’s the same with what I do. I feed the children with God’s Word, but He is the one who helps it grow inside their hearts.”
“Hmm, that’s an interesting way of looking at it.” Tammy handed her mother the cut-out of the camel. “Maybe one day I’ll be a Sunday school teacher like you. After all, I did a pretty good job helping you with the plant. Maybe I can do the same with kids.”
“I think you’d make a wonderful teacher,” her mother said.
Wrap Up
It’s essential that God prepares us and equips us for the work He has called us to perform. All of us have a purpose, and that is to share the love of Jesus to the world. To do that, we need a personal relationship with Jesus. We need the seeds of faith planted in our hearts so that we can spread the seed to others.
Paul uses an analogy 1 Corinthians 3 that paints a picture of this for us. He said he planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. Doing the work of the Lord is rewarding, but there is nothing quite like seeing God use you to further His kingdom.