Kids Bible Devotional for August 20, 2024
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Galatians 4:4 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law. (KJV)
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[Microwave sounds] Come on, come, on already. Finally.
Admit it. There have been times when something didn’t go fast enough for you. Fast food wasn’t fast enough, or the clock ticked away at an unbearably slow pace. I knew of a minister who famously said, “We are into microwaving while God is into marinading.” Marinading takes time, while microwaving takes almost no time at all. What this suggests is that sometimes God’s timing is quite a bit longer than we like.
But God always knows the right time when to make something happen. Take, for example, when Jesus finally came to earth. He came centuries after Israel was already a nation and long after the law of Moses was instituted. But we needed the law to show humankind its need for salvation. And when God felt the conditions were right, Jesus walked with man.
Today's Devotion
“So, Grandma, Mom’s birthday is tomorrow,” Zoey said. “I want to do something special for her. Any ideas?”
“If I know your mother, she would love for you to make her something,” Grandma replied.
“Like what? I’m probably too old to make her cards.”
“Oh, you’re never too old for things like that. But I know just the thing. She’s always loved my chocolate cake. How about I teach you how to bake it?”
Zoey clapped her hands. “Oh, that’s perfect! I love your chocolate cake, too. Can we start right now?”
“I don’t see why not. Let’s go to the kitchen and see if I have all the ingredients.”
Soon, the countertop was littered with all what was needed to bake the cake. Before long, Zoey and her grandmother had prepared the cake batter and poured it into the pans.
Zoey carefully placed the pans into the oven. She grabbed the timer off the counter. “Okay, so how long do we bake it?”
“Oh, dear. I never use a timer.”
“You don’t time it? How will you know when it’s ready?”
“The aroma, dear. I’ve baked this cake so many times, I can tell when it’s done. But to be sure, when it smells done, I’ll test it with a toothpick. Now, while that’s baking, let’s get started on the best part – the icing.”
The house soon filled with the sweet fragrance of baked goodness. “I can smell the cake,” Zoey said. “It’s just about time.”
“You know, people are a lot like cakes, dear. Especially Christians.” Grandma said.
“They are? In what way?”
“You can always tell who’s walked with Jesus for a long while. They have such a sweet spirit about them, you can almost smell the fragrance of heaven on them. You know they’ve spent time in God’s kitchen, letting Him make them into something wonderful for His kingdom.”
Zoey wrapped her arms around her grandmother’s waist. “I can tell you’ve been in God’s kitchen, Grandma. You’re the sweetest person I know.”
Wrap Up
God is into right timing. Sadly, we can get in a hurry, and want God to move things along much faster than He often does. If we’re not careful, we’ll make a move before He’s ready. Abraham and Sarah did this when it seemed like God would never give them the promised son. Abraham had a child with Sarah’s handmaid Hagar instead of waiting patiently for God to fulfill His promise of Isaac.
Trust God’s timing. Don’t lose faith when it seems God is slow in coming through for you. In the waiting, believe that He is working in you to prepare you for the blessing that will come… in His perfect timing.